Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Flying over Lisbon

Living in the UK for most of the past decade, I have lost count how many times I've taken the Heathrow-Lisbon flight. And yet each time it still makes me feel happy and nostalgic. To me, every return to this city I was born in and love so deeply is something very special, despite the fact that I now live in London and have next to no plan to return in the foreseeable future.

Lisbon's airport is located within the city - and if we ignore the danger of that, it can provide you with some beautiful sights. For that you need but one thing - that the plane lands from the south side of the river. I had that luck yesterday, at twilight, and contrary to my usual, I was sitting at the window. I still get so excited every time I recognise the streets from high above. It's a child's delight looking at a candy store. And today, out and about, enjoying the beautiful blue sky, the sunshine, and no gloves, scarf or woolly hat, I felt so alive and almost forgetting other worries.

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